
During the past fifteen years Patrick’s Pals has helped many children and young adults with profound needs. It is wonderful to see how your generosity is impacting children and their families in the simplest of ways. Thank you!


Patrick’s Pals provided two schools (Matheny School in Peapack, NJ and The Midland School, Branchburg, NJ) whose mission is to educate multiply disabled children with technology grants to purchase iPads and iTouches for their students.  Nearly 100% of the students at these school have speech and language challenges which require augmentative devices to communicate.  These grants help fulfill Patrick’s Pals mission to meet the needs of children with disabilities and help them flourish in their individualized way.


At just 36 months old, Jonathan has global delays and seizures leaving him unable to communicate.  Patrick's Pals happily purchased communication switches to help him communicate and allow him to make choices.

A five-year-old boy born with lissencepathly left him unable to speak, walk or feed himself. He is able to communicate happiness or displeasure by smiling, laughing or crying.  After 'riding' an adaptive bicycle at school, his parents saw how happy it made their son.  They wanted a bike for his home but were financially unable to provide it.  Patrick's Pals purchased a bike for the young boy and have been told that his favorite part of the bike is the bell!!

The effects of Transverse Myelitis left a beautiful young girl a quadriplegic and wheelchair dependent.  Now ten-years-old, the young girl is able to operate her manual wheelchair until her stamina declines.  Patrick's Pals was able to fund the addition of power assist wheels to her wheelchair.  The power wheels propel the wheelchair when the young girl is unable to do so on her own.  They have provided her a new sense of independence and freedom!

An eleven-year-old boy with special needs and seizures dreamed of having a bike like his younger sister.  Since traditional bikes were not an option for the young boy, Patrick's Pals was able to purchase him an adaptive bike with all of the necessary safety features he required.  Because he takes his bike everywhere, he is more inclusive in family and commuity activities!

Intense physical therapy is being provided for a  four-year-old boy who is challenged with many physical disabilities.  The intensity and repetition of exercise is  thought to re-pattern the brain which could ultimately enable the boy to  overcome some disabilities and become more independent.  He is beginning to take steps with moderate  assistance!

An adaptive seating system was purchased for a five-year-old  boy who is unable to support himself in a seated position.  The seating system was fitted for the  family’s minivan which enables them to easily self-transport their son despite  his numerous physical challenges.

Therapeutic horseback riding lessons are being provided for a five-year-old boy in Great Meadows, NJ.  Hippotherapy is a wonderful way for children with special needs to strengthen their core muscles while making a connection with their horse.  This family is hopeful that with these lessons, their son will one day walk independently!